09. Jul
Logotec App Studio theoretically allows you to create applications based on any data sources but the condition is the existence of so-called “adapter”.
Adapters are currently available for the following relational databases:
- MS SQL Server/Azure SQL
- ProgreSQL
- Oracle
- MariaDB
For a long time, an exemplary database based on the Northwind DB, running on MS SQL Server, was available on the Logotec App Studio platform – this allowed to try Logotec App Studio without having one’s own database. This database was available in Polish and English.
Due to numerous queries, we have recently made available several additional exemplary databases (with a different structure) for other databases:
For MySQL:
- Sakila sample database – more information is available here https://downloads.mysql.com/docs/sakila-en.pdf
- Employee sample database – diagram is available here https://dev.mysql.com/doc/employee/en/sakila-structure.html
For PostgreSQL:
- DVD Rental sample database – the diagram is available here https://sp.postgresqltutorial.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/printable-postgresql-sample-database-diagram.pdf
For MariaDB:
- Nations sample database – more information available here https://www.mariadbtutorial.com/getting-started/mariadb-sample-database/
For Oracle:
- Sample databases:
- HR and OE
- OE and PM
- SH
- More information is available here
- Similar to the previously available sample databases for MS SQL Server, also new sample databases are available only in the read-only version – this is to prevent their rapid degradation/ littering
- All new, shared databases are in English